If This Is On, $300 Allows The Person You Fear Most Find You In Seconds!!

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References Can Be Found At www.justusaknight.com (please subscribe while you’re there!!)

If you think you can hide, you can’t.  If you think you can run, you can’t…if you carry this with you.  For the low cost of $300 they can find you in seconds.  If it’s someone from the past, someone you just want to avoid or someone you are just simply terrified of; they can find you…and as long as you carry this there is nothing you can do.

The telecoms have made it easy and affordable for instant access to…well, YOU!  As long as there is profit in the data it will continue to be used against you.  To understand the full extent of their lack of concern is staggering.  If privacy laws are not strengthened quickly we will continue the fall into the abyss of lost safety and security.  Let me explain to you exactly how they do it.

God Speed and God Bless,


For More Information (references) See:








screen shot 2019-01-09 at 6.52.04 am

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6 replies

  1. Thanks for the work and videos, please, tho, consider changing the ‘intro music’ to something that doesn’t make me jump in the air if my volume is not turned way way down. Scratchy horrible electrocution sound. Sorry


  2. I have no issue with my safety, because I am prepared. First off, in this crazy world you need to start being Conscious of the intent of others and stop automatically trusting the nature of the human animal. If you are so naive, and have so little “Street Smarts” that you believe all humans are just angels in disguise then you will become just another statistic in a SHTF scenario.

    Remember, “God may have made man, but Sam Colt made them equal.”. If you don’t believe you need to be aware of what is going on around you then you really are naive and will end up paying the price for that naivete’.


  3. Reblogged this on Wake Up To The Truth and commented:
    The telecoms have made it easy and affordable for instant access to…well, YOU! As long as there is profit in the data it will continue to be used against you.


  4. and the government can do it with your new federal IDs,that’s why they want to make it a felony to not have ID on you at all times !!!!!!



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