Month: March 2021

Growing, Growing, GONE! Here’s What They’re Not Telling You About Biden’s Soak the Rich DOA Tax Plan!

As we prepare for the official unvieling of Biden’s Infrastructure Plan we must tell you the truth of funding it. You see the common talking point of we’ll simply soak the rich to pay for everything is all the buzz…but, not so fast. Let’s discuss first why it’s not EVEN CLOSE to covering a fraction of our debt and second why this will hit you harder than you may imagine!

The Left Never Saw This Coming! New Pentagon “Extremist & Insider Threat” TARGET LIST Now Includes Them!

We warned you it would come, at now it’s here. The DoD in conjunction with Darpa has release the new “Extremist and Insider Threat” target list. Within the document however is changes that the Left never saw coming; the Biden administration has turned on their own. In all reality however, they are turning the military on us…ALL OF US…stand divided and we will fall.

Dems Don’t Want To Bury The Dead!?! Must See Footage! Senate Battle Erupts Over H.R. 4NO1 UNREAL Statement!

You won’t believe what you’re about to hear. They don’t see dead people, they just want them to vote…how a simple question defines H.R. 1, or as we call it H.R. 4NO1! We’ll give you an overview of why the Democrats are so desperate to FEDERALIZE the voting system. You see, they know what the Republicans are doing to STATE VOTING RIGHTS and they simply can’t allow that to happen!

Leaked!! White House Memo Contains 3 Word DEMAND That May Indicate A Major Change Is On The Horizon!

It’s here, it’s real and it’s about to get ugly. Biden prepares his Trojan Horse for war and aims it directly at the Senate. The freedom ending, mega spending, enslavement 4 TRILLION Infrastructure bill has been armed. McConnell readies Senate for “Scorched Earth” battle in what will most likely equal the end of America as we know it. ALL OPTIONS ARE ON THE TABLE TO RAM THIS THROUGH…and here’s why that, should GREATLY concern you!

It’s Here! Biden Arms His Trojan Horse As McConnell Readies Senate For Epic “Scorched Earth” Battle!

It’s here, it’s real and it’s about to get ugly. Biden prepares his Trojan Horse for war and aims it directly at the Senate. The freedom ending, mega spending, enslavement 4 TRILLION Infrastructure bill has been armed. McConnell readies Senate for “Scorched Earth” battle in what will most likely equal the end of America as we know it. ALL OPTIONS ARE ON THE TABLE TO RAM THIS THROUGH…and here’s why that, should GREATLY concern you!

Trump Set Traps! States Deploys “Legions” Baiting Biden To Walk Right Into Them; 230+ Times!

There are times we need to sit back and assess the landscape, view the horizon for inbound danger. Then there are days we can sit back and watch others walk into the many traps that have been set by those whose political opinion, for the moment, we may agree with. Today is such a day…so let me explain why traps the Trump set are about to ensnare the entire Biden Administration!

GOTCHA! Seconds After 1.9 Trillion Vote – Dems Laud ‘Bait and Switch’ Then Ready Biden To Drop “Next Phase” Bombshell!

Not but seconds after Democrats sign their 1.9 Trillion American Extortion bill, the laud and applaud their GOTCHA moment! You see, they couldn’t even hold back what they ACTUALLY did. This was an EQUITY bill, a GRAND RE-DISTRIBUTION bill and out and out SCAM! But, besides them laughing in our face they go one step further and ready BIDEN to ANNOUNCE the “NEXT PHASE” of the devastation. Hold on tight, it’s going to be a rough landing!

High Alert! New Military Maneuvers Indicate Peace Nearing End In Mideast Gog Vs Magog Stage Is Set!

Biden is serving his masters well as the warmongers bark for battle. It started on his first day in office and has ratcheted up everyday since. We are going to review the Middle East ‘war theater’ and illustrate to you why we are moving in the direction of Biblical Gog vs Magog. As we discuss how prophecies align, from Revelations to Dumitru Duduman it appears peace is rapidly coming to an end.