The Devil’s Divide:  Horrific Evidence Of The The Globalist’s Demonic Attack On America’s Youth!    

I am going to start with a quote from one of the articles I present in this broadcast, “Globalists are the existential enemy of American sovereignty, independence, and they are desperately trying to destroy America…” “Globalism is at war with Americanism.”  Truer words I could not speak.  The reality of our world today is we should be at war over race, we should not be at war over religion, we should not be at war over politics; we should be at war over Globalism and all those that help execute its demonic agendas.

We are in the midst of a non-munition war.  A war of good verse evil.  A war on America’s youth.  The Globalist Cabal wanted this to be a silent war.  They wanted dissension in our ranks, making us ineffective to fight back.  Guess what, their winning and our children are losing.  We must stop this before the damage can never be reversed…if it is not too late already.  At the end of days, we know our glorious destiny.  I do not want to get to that point not knowing I did not fight for the lives of our children up until the incredible day of reckoning.

I hope you will watch this video to learn more!

Please SHARE and THUMBS UP the video!  Look forward to seeing your comments!!

God Speed and God Bless,


For More Information (references) See:

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7 replies

  1. Thank you for sharing your heart! There is such an anointing on you and Lisa. You are opening eyes, changing hearts and making people wise to the plans of the enemy! Great is your reward in heaven for being strong and courageous and for obeying God to warn the masses! Don’t lose heart while doing His will. You are making a great impact that you may not even fully realize until you get to heaven. Keep running your race, strong pacing off of Jesus ever step of the way! He will give you strength and endurance until the very end. God bless you! – Kim


  2. Reblogged this on Wake Up To The Truth and commented:
    We are in the midst of a non-munition war. A war of good verse evil. A war on America’s youth. The Globalist Cabal wanted this to be a silent war. They wanted dissension in our ranks, making us ineffective to fight back. Guess what, their winning and our children are losing. We must stop this before the damage can never be reversed…if it is not too late already.


  3. Justis – I really do appreciate what you are doing. We Christians are losing our kids — I just put it on my Facebook — whether they’ll put it out – who knows? Oh – that we would wake up —We have such a short time — !!! Thanks and God bless you — will be putting you on my prayer list!!!!


  4. Did you mean to say ‘we SHOULDN’T be at war over race?’


  5. Anyone who wants to know who, specifically, is behind all this, should read the 1959 book. “Beasts of the Apocalypse” by Olivia Marie O’Grady.


  6. What country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.



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